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Laos joins with Asean to bolster occupational safety guidelines

Laos and other Asean countries will continue to strengthen coordination in implementing the Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Risk Management across the region.
Laos has also expressed its commitment to bolstering labour policies and measures to improve occupational safety and health in the workplace and facilitate a safe return to work post-pandemic.
This information was relayed by Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Dr Khampheng Saysompheng during the online Eleventh Asean Plus Three Labour Ministers Meeting (11th ALMM+3) hosted by Indonesia on October 28 under the theme ‘Exchange of Views on Promoting Asean Workers for Competitiveness, Resilience, and Agility in the Future of Work.’

He said “Laos’ commitment to promoting closer cooperation among the Asean Plus Three Countries is to increase the agility and resilience of our workforce in preparedness for future social and economic crises and their higher competencies for the future of work.
The minister reiterated the nation’s commitment to promoting human resource development, inclusive growth, and sustainable development as a response to Asean economic integration, social dialogue, and occupational safety and health in the workplace.
The meeting, which issued a joint statement, recognised the importance of developing a human-centred approach in preparing Asean workers to adapt to the transformative changes, such as technological advances, demographic transition, and the rise of the green economy.
During the meeting, participants shared experiences, ideas, and thoughts to increase the competitiveness, resilience, and agility of Asean workers in taking advantage of opportunities in the future, and to be able to withstand the uncertainty of new challenges in the world of work.
Participants adopted the 5-year priorities of the Asean Plus Three cooperation on labour for the period of 2021-2025 to support the attainment of the Asean Community Vision 2025, according to a statement by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.
The meeting also agreed on the Asean Roadmap for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour by 2025; Asean Guidelines on Gender Mainstreaming into Labour and Employment Policies Towards Decent Work For All; Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Risk Management for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Asean Member States; Asean Guidelines on Effective Return and Reintegration of Migrant  Worker; Asean Labour Ministers’ Work Programme 2021-2025; Senior Labour Officials Meeting Working Group (SLOM-WG) Work Plan 2021-2025, and Updated Action Plan of the Asean Consensus on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers 2018-2025.
The meeting also agreed to widen the access of all workers, especially those who lost their jobs or received less income, to social security and social assistance schemes to sustain their livelihoods. 
The Asean member countries decided to further strengthen active labour market policies to stimulate employment and improve occupational safety and health standards in the region.


By Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth
(Latest Update
November 2,

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