NUOL, Hanoi university making progress in reducing plastic use
The Faculty of Environmental Sciencesat the National University of Laos (NUOL), Hanoi University of Sciences and other organisations are reporting progress in efforts to reduce plastics use under the“SEA Plastic Edu Erasmus+ Project”.
The European Union is supportingthe project from 2018-2020 with funding of EUR 989,043 to help decrease the use of plastic and improve the environment.
The project comprises training courses on the management of plastic recycling and exchanging plastic waste, for government and private sector officials along with lecturers and students from educational institutions.
Acting Head of the Research and Academic Service Division, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, at NUOL, Dr Vatthanamixay Chansomphou, said the expanding populations and economies of Laos and Vietnam were increasing consumption and this was adding to waste generation each day.
“Plastic waste is proliferating because of its increasing use in everyday life,” Dr Vatthanamixay said.
The project aimed to address this by increasing capacity in plastic recycling efforts, he added. The project is divided into two phases, with the first preparing training on general garbage and plastic waste in Laos, where garbage comes from, characteristics and uses of plastic waste, and methods to manage, recycle and test the qualities of various forms of plastic waste.
The second phase comprises training courses for government and private sector officials, as well as Lao and Vietnamese faculty and students.
The project is led by the University of Natural Resource and Life Sciences (BOKU) of Vienna, Austria.Authorities hope the project will encourage greater understanding of recycling waste and a significant reduction in the use of plastics to reduce the impact on the environment.
By Sangkhomsay Bubphanouvong
(Latest Update October 18, 2019) |