Lao Brewery Company to contribute to Laos through taxes, exports and CSR initiatives
As the nation’s biggest taxpayer, LBC contributed more than 5.1 trillion kip in taxes in 2024, an increase of over 32 percent compared to the figures for 2023.
The Lao Brewery Company Ltd (LBC), a business leader in Laos since 1973, is proud to support the government’s initiatives through its contribution as the nation’s biggest taxpayer.
In 2024, LBC contributed taxes amounting to more than 5.1 trillion kip (US$ 240 million), an increase of more than 32 percent when compared to the figures for 2023.
“As a company with an identity deeply intertwined with the nation, LBC is fully committed to supporting the country’s development and growth by paying all our taxes, as a responsible stakeholder in the economy and society at large,” said Henrik Juel Andersen, the Managing Director of the Lao Brewery Company.
“Paying over 5 trillion kip to the Lao government in taxes is a massive contribution and support to the economic and social development of the country and to the welfare of the people of Lao.”
The Chairman of the Board of Lao Brewery Company, Mr Kissana Vongsay, said tax payments could have been even higher had it not been for the significant rise of smuggled beers entering Laos from neighbouring countries, notably from Vietnam.
“We have seen a worrying rapid increase in the practice of smuggling drinks such as beer from other countries to evade taxes. This negatively impacts the government’s tax revenue, and in turn harms its ability to improve the lives of people in Laos. This illegal practice also hurts the local economy across the value chain – from farmers to manufacturers, legal traders and F&B businesses. In addition, smugglers may be selling counterfeit products that are not quality controlled and could cause poisoning,” he said.
Mr Andersen further said that in 2024, the export sales of Beerlao had doubled when compared to 2023.
“The global distribution network of Carlsberg Group is helping to increase the export sales of Beerlao. We exported more than US$ 13 million of Beerlao in 2024 to almost 20 countries around the world. It’s encouraging that we can grow the popularity of Beerlao, also outside of Laos, and our growing export revenue is helping to bring in foreign currency to the Lao economy and support the Lao kip currency,” he said.
In line with its commitment towards the people of Laos, LBC is carrying out a wide range of its own Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Since 2022, the company has spent more than 10 billion kip in areas such as environmental sustainability, education, disaster relief, community aid, healthcare and more.
Meanwhile, staff members and LBC scholarship recipients participated in various community activities, including tree planting, waste collection and separation, and school maintenance.
“The Carlsberg Group’s Sail 27 vision guides our activities as a business, where we not only work on enhancing product quality and innovation and driving sustainable growth but are also investing in environmental stewardship and community engagement, creating further benefits for the people of Laos,” said Mr Andersen.
Stay updated on LBC’s latest initiatives on Facebook @LaoBreweryCompanyLTD
By Advertorial Desk
(Latest Update January 23, 2025)