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Deputy PM calls for urgent action to spur sustainable development at UN Forum

Deputy Prime Minister Saleumxay Kommasith, speaking at a United Nations (UN) forum on Monday, has stressed the urgent need for collective action to get the world back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith addresses the United Nations forum in New York.

Addressing the 2024 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development on July 15 at UN Headquarters in New York, Mr Saleumxay, who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs, said the world is now at a “pivotal juncture” in the journey towards sustainable development.
He expressed concern that global progress on the SDGs is “clearly far behind the target we set to achieve”, due to ongoing global headwinds and repeated shocks over past years.
“It is indeed timely and imperative that we uphold highly our collective commitment and remain united behind the 2030 Agenda, by taking the critical steps and efforts needed at much great speed and scale to get back on track and deliver transformative actions between now and 2030,” the head of the Lao delegation said.
The forum took the theme “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”.
The Lao government, Mr Saleumxay added, has firmly embedded the relevant SDGs and their targets within its national planning process, aiming to balance economic growth with sustainability and social progress.
“Our commitment to the global goals remains steadfast,” he told the forum.
Laos will present its third Voluntary National Review this year, highlighting progress, development gaps and areas that require policy recalibration to accelerate implementation.
Looking ahead, Mr Saleumxay expressed high hopes for the upcoming Summit of the Future, stating that the “Pact for the Future” to be adopted there represents a “beacon of hope to strengthen multilateralism”.
He called for the pact to outline “practical and concrete deliverables” targeting the acceleration of SDG implementation, as well as reforms to international financial architecture to better support countries in special situations, like least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, and small island developing states.
The Deputy PM reiterated Laos’ steadfast call for the international community to fulfill its previous commitments, particularly in providing enhanced international support measures for least-developed countries like Laos to address their development needs and graduate from LDC status.
He underscored the importance of eradicating poverty, narrowing development gaps, and creating an enabling environment for peace and development cooperation.


By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update July 17, 2024)

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