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Labour ministry issues warning over illegal job brokers
The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare has issued a warning concerning individuals falsely posing as recruitment agents for jobs in the Republic of Korea.
Director General of the ministry’s Department of Skill Development and Employment, Ms Anousone Khamsingsavath, told the Vientiane Times that unscrupulous individuals are advertising positions in Korea and also saying that no tests are required prior to employment.
She made the comment in an attempt to dispel rumours about the lack of testing required before being accepted for work in Korea, which is not the case when applying for jobs through official channels. 
The ministry learnt about the existence of fraudulent recruitment brokers through posts on social media, Ms Anousone said, and is now trying to make sure that members of the public are forewarned about the tricksters.
“We are working with the Ministry of Public Security in an attempt to track down and arrest this illegal group of brokers, as we do not have the power to act on our own,” she added.
The ministry encourages everyone interested in working in Korea to visit the Employment Service Centre in Vientiane, which arranges tests and interviews for those who register.
Labour authorities are also broadcasting advertising spots on Lao National Television to explain who is eligible for jobs in Korea and which groups are not accepted.
An anonymous local resident said members of an illegal recruitment group were giving out the wrong information, saying people must pay 800,000 to 100,000 kip to get a job in Korea and that no tests or registration at the Employment Service Centre or the ministry are required.
Unfortunately, many people have been taken in by these untruths and complied with these instructions, Ms Anousone said.
A senior official at the Employment Service Centre said the Centre makes no charges for registration for employment in Korea and that job applicants are required only to take tests and attend an interview.
Employment in South Korea is seen as a good choice for Lao workers because they can earn a reasonable income, develop their skills, and gain experience that will enable them to contribute to socio-economic development when they return to Laos, he added.


By Phetphoxay Sengpaseuth
 (Latest Update July 19, 2024)

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