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Prof. Dr Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune addresses the press conference.

Govt to mark three historic days in 2025, finalise NSEDP implementation

The government will celebrate anniversaries of national importance next year and is calling for cooperation from the public and private sectors to play a part in these events.
The events include the 70th anniversary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Lao PDR, and the 105th birth anniversary of the late President Kaysone Phomvihane, as well as preparations for the three-level Party Congress taking place next year, Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Dr Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune told a press conference last week.
To ensure these anniversaries are celebrated appropriately, the national steering committee in charge of preparations is publicising them among the general public so that citizens from all walks of life share in commemorating these occasions.
2025 will also be the final year of the execution of the Resolutions adopted by the 11th Party Congress and the goals set in the 9th five-year National Socio-economic Development Plan (NSEDP) for 2021-2025.
In the midst of complex and ever-changing regional and global situations that are causing political and economic disruption, Laos is facing numerous challenges, but the celebration of these important anniversaries is viewed as of prime importance and will be marked appropriately.
The steering committee has called for all government bodies to raise public awareness of these upcoming events and to do their utmost to complete fulfilment of the Resolutions passed by the 11th Party Congress and the goals set in the 9th NSEDP for 2021-2025, as well as prepare for the 12th Party Congress.
The celebration of these nationally important anniversaries will not involve costly ceremonies given the economic constraints faced by Laos, but will be marked comprehensively and joyously nationwide.
The DPM said, the events to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party are scheduled for March 22 and those to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Lao PDR will take place on December 2, centred in Vientiane.
They will include military parades and the participation of all Party and government bodies, as well as the working populace.
There will also be a photo exhibition to commemorate the valiant deeds and heroic leadership of the late President Kaysone Phomvihane during the decades-long struggle to free Laos from the yoke of foreign domination.
In addition, seminars and other activities will be organised to mark these important historic events.


By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update July 22, 2024)

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