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China signs 18 deals with France to expand economic cooperation, opening up wider for France, Europe

(Global Times) – China and France have signed 18 cooperation agreements between government agencies, covering areas such as aviation, agriculture, people-to-people exchanges, green development and SME cooperation during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to France.

Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the closing ceremony of the Sixth Meeting of the China-France Business Council together with French President Emmanuel Macron. –Photo Xinhua

At the closing ceremony of a key business council meeting in Paris on Monday, the Chinese top leader vowed to enrich the economic and trade dimensions of the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership, open the Chinese market wider to create more opportunities for companies from France, Europe and beyond, while urging China and France to jointly oppose attempts to turn business relations into political, ideological or security issues.
The remarks and cooperation agreements underscore China’s open and cooperative attitude, as well as its sincerity and goodwill to foster China-France and China-Europe cooperation and represent a positive signal for European entrepreneurs and a stabiliser to China-Europe trade ties against decoupling push, experts said.
China will work with France to enrich the economic and trade dimensions of the China-France comprehensive strategic partnership, deepen China-Europe mutually beneficial cooperation, and remains ready to join hands with France to tackle global challenges, President Xi made the remarks at the closing ceremony of the sixth meeting of the China-France Business Council in Paris local time Monday.
China will further open up the service sector including telecommunication and medical services, and open its market wider to create more opportunities for companies from France, Europe and beyond, Xi said, according to a readout released on the Chinese Foreign Ministry website.
Xi also said that China and Europe are two major forces in building a multipolar world, two big markets that promote globalisation, and two great civilisations that advocate cultural diversity.
China-Europe relations are crucial for peace, stability and prosperity of the world. The two sides should always define China-Europe relations as a comprehensive strategic partnership, continue to enhance political mutual trust, remove various distractions, and jointly oppose attempts to turn business relations into political, ideological or security issues, Xi said.
Xi’s speech sent a clear signal that China’s market is open and inclusive, and that China seeks mutual achievements and win-win cooperation with France and the EU, Zhang Jian, a vice president of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
The remarks played a significant role in promoting stable, long-term cooperation between China and France as well as China and Europe against decoupling pushes, Zhang said.
Some key highlights of economic and trade cooperation include collaboration in agriculture, artificial intelligence (AI) and green development.
In terms of agricultural cooperation, China will continue to make full use of the “French farm to Chinese dining table” whole-chain rapid coordination mechanism, and bring more cheese, ham, wine and other quality agricultural products from France to the dining tables of Chinese families.

(Latest Update May 9, 2024)

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