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Mr Michael Ronning (front left) hands over the equipment for rehabilitation and functional exercise to Dr Khamsay Detleuxay.

US gives boost to people with disabilities in northern Laos

People with mobility difficulties in Kham district, Xieng Khuang province, and nearby regions are set to benefit from improved rehabilitation and functional exercise health services, thanks to support from the United States.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided equipment for rehabilitation and functional exercise at the Rehabilitation Unit at Kham district hospital in the northern province.
USAID Country Representative to Laos, Mr Michael Ronning handed over the equipment to Director General of the Department of Healthcare and Rehabilitation, Ministry of Health, Dr Khamsay Detleuxay on July 25.
The equipment will enable the hospital to improve its rehabilitation and functional exercise healthcare for patients. 
“We are proud to provide equipment for rehabilitation and functional exercise for the Rehabilitation Unit, to assist the Kham district hospital. Through this support, more people with mobility difficulties will receive quality rehabilitation services,” Mr Ronning said.
“US Government health and disability assistance is a central part of the US-Laos Comprehensive Partnership.”
The United States looks forward to continuing its collaboration and support in the health and disability sector in Laos, he added.
Rehabilitation is key to strengthening the health system, he said. When quality rehabilitation is available at all levels of the health system, particularly at the primary health care level, it supports the Lao population as a whole and enables all to participate in, and contribute to, the economic development of the country.
The equipment for rehabilitation and functional exercise for the Rehabilitation Unit in Kham district hospital, supported by USAID Okard, is a milestone in improving rehabilitation services at the community level.
People in the community can now access rehabilitation services and receive healthcare from qualified doctors, nurses and physiotherapists.
USAID, through USAID Okard, has contributed more than 326 million kip to provide equipment for rehabilitation and functional exercise at the Rehabilitation Unit at Kham district hospital.
USAID Okard, funded by USAID and implemented by World Education, Inc., in partnership with Humanity and Inclusion, improves access to quality rehabilitation and economic opportunities for persons with disabilities and supports the design and implementation of disabilities inclusive policies.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update July 26, 2022)


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