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National Assembly session closes, endorses key documents 

The National Assembly (NA)’s 3rd Ordinary Session ended on Friday with the adoption of key documents aimed at addressing Laos’ financial and economic pressures.

The 20-day session of the NA’s 9th legislature debated and adopted a report on the rollout of the socio-economic development plan for the first six months of 2022 and the plan for the last six months of the year.

Reports on the implementation of the budget and fiscal plan for the first six months of 2022 and the plan for the last six months of the year were also tabled and endorsed.

Dr Xaysomphone Phomvihane says the session achieved its objectives as planned.

Lawmakers also accepted the government’s report on the assessment of the enforcement of four laws, namely the Law on Land, Law on Investment Promotion, Law on State Property, and Law on Mining.

The government’s roadmap for state enterprise reform was also endorsed.

Delivering the closing remarks, NA President Dr Xaysomphone Phomvihane said the session had achieved its goals as planned.

Party Secretary General and President Thongloun Sisoulith, senior Party and state leaders, and members of the cabinet also attended the closing ceremony.

NA members discussed and approved the government’s report on the implementation of the green (safe) travel programme - a scheme that was piloted during the Covid-19 outbreak and before Laos fully reopened to visitors. A report on the full reopening of the country was also passed.

After heated debate, Assembly members approved the government’s plan to improve the quality of education and sports, especially the improvement of teaching and learning standards.

The biannual ordinary session of the National Assembly also saw members endorse a report on the NA’s performance since its last session and the future work plan.

The people’s representatives elected the Deputy Governor of Savannakhet province, Mr Viengthavisone Thepphachanh, as President of the State Audit Organisation, replacing Mr Malaythong Kommasith. Mr Malaythong replaced Dr Khampheng Saysompheng as Minister of Industry and Commerce.

The session also approved the appointment of Minister of Public Security General Vilay Lakhamfong and Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith as new deputy prime ministers.

Lawmakers also approved the appointment of Deputy Minister of Finance Dr Bounleua Sinxayvoravong as the new Governor of the Bank of the Lao PDR, replacing Mr Sonexay Sitphaxay.

Both Mr Sonexay and Dr Khampheng will now serve as Ministers to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Assembly members passed the drafts of laws on Fine Arts, Dam Safety, and Weapons and Explosive Management.

They also passed amendments to six laws, namely State Property; Foreign Currency Management; Promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises; People’s Court, Petition Solution; and Water and Water Resources.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update July 9, 2022)


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