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Delegation from Russia’s Federal Assembly holds talks with Lao counterparts

A delegation from the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, led by the President of the Russia-Laos Parliamentary Friendship Association, Mr Pavel Tarakanov, is on a working visit to Laos from February 6-10.
The Russian delegation was invited to Laos by the Vice President of the National Assembly and President of the Laos-Russia Parliamentary Friendship Association, Lieutenant General Souvone Leuangbounmy.

Lao National Assembly members (right) and a delegation from Russia’s Federal Assembly (left) meet in Vientiane to discuss possible areas of cooperation.

The visit by the Russian group aims to strengthen and expand the traditional and strategic relationship between Laos and the Russian Federation as well as cooperation between Laos’ National Assembly and Russia’s Federal Assembly, while also encouraging closer collaboration between the Lao and Russian governments.
In recent years, the two governments have entered into agreements in the fields of investment, trade, tourism, education and other areas.
During their visit, the Russian delegation met with the President of the National Assembly, Dr Xaysomphone Phomvihane, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Saleumxay Kommasith, several ministers, and the Mayor of Vientiane.
The group also toured popular landmarks in Vientiane and travelled to Luang Prabang province, to explore the world heritage site and observe the traditional Lao way of life.
During talks held at the National Assembly in Vientiane, the two sides reviewed their cooperation in past years and discussed plans for possible areas of collaboration between the two countries in the future.
Members of the two parliaments spoke positively about continued communication and cooperation. They said they highly valued their longstanding relationship and the close cooperation that exists between Laos and Russia.
They acknowledged that this cooperation is mostly limited to political spheres as the large geographical distance between the two countries restricts opportunities for business collaboration.
The two sides agreed to arrange reciprocal visits in the future, enabling their legislative bodies to support each other on the regional and global stages.
In particular, members of the two Assemblies agreed to encourage their governments to build cooperation in business, trade and tourism.
Direct flights between Laos and Russia are currently limited in number compared to the past, but it was suggested that additional flights would facilitate greater cooperation in trade, investment and tourism, and would greatly benefit the peoples of the two countries.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update February 9, 2023)


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