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Laos, Germany mark 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations

The Lao and German governments on March 15 held an event at the Lao-German Technical College in Vientiane to mark the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Saleumxay Kommasith, German Ambassador to Laos Ms Annette Knobloch, senior government officials, foreign diplomats, and representatives of the Lao-German Friendship Association attended the event.
At the event, which showcased photo exhibition and art performances, Mr Saleumxay and Ambassador Knobloch offered their congratulations on the special occasion and said they highly valued the cooperation between Laos and Germany since the two nations established diplomatic relations on January 31, 1958.
Officials from the two sides also expressed their wish to further develop the bilateral relations and cooperation to a higher level.
Speaking at the ceremony, Ambassador Knobloch said the decision to hold the celebratory event at the Lao-German Technical College was made based on the fact that the college is an outstanding symbol of the cooperation between the two countries.

“Welcome to the Lao-German Technical College, where we are celebrating 65 years of German-Lao diplomatic relations today. It is no coincidence that we chose this location for this event; the Technical College is a symbol of the longstanding friendship between Germany and Laos. I think there is hardly any other institution in Vientiane that stands for our bilateral relations, which have now lasted for six and a half decades,” Ms Knobloch said.
According to a media release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, over the past 65 years the relationship between the two countries has strengthened, especially in 1964 when Laos and Germany signed a bilateral cooperation treaty, marking a milestone in Germany becoming a key development partner of Laos.
Over the years, the German government has provided financial and technical aid totalling more than 570 million euro, making a significant contribution to development in the fields of sustainable development, poverty reduction, environmental protection, infrastructure, and good governance.
Land and forest management and vocational training are also priority areas for the German government’s assistance.
In addition, Germany was one of many countries that actively supported Laos during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Through the German Embassy, the Lao-German Friendship Association and various international organisations in Laos, the German government donated a large quantity of Covid vaccines, medical and IT equipment, and mobile vaccine storage trucks.
In the international arena, Laos and Germany enjoy a strong partnership under Asean and United Nations frameworks, and the Mekong River Commission.
Germany’s aid to Laos has made a significant contribution to socio-economic development, poverty reduction, and people’s livelihood improvement, which created a strong foundation for Laos’ eligibility for graduation from the United Nations’ list of least developed countries and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2030.



By Ekaphone Phouthonesy
 (Latest Update March 17, 2023)


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