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The bank’s Board of Directors display badges of participation in the walk for health.

Phongsavanh Bank launches mobile banking, digital wallet App

Phongsavanh Bank (PSVB), one of Laos’ leading private banks, has officially launched “Hi App” - a state of the art mobile banking and digital wallet application.
Hi App is for both individuals and merchants and is available on Android, iOS and Harmony OS platforms.
It is an integral part of PSVB’s digital transformation, which includes secure online banking for individuals and businesses.

Mr Sivilay Phommachack addresses the launching event on Friday.
Mr Phaiboun Phongsavanh, takes part in a group photo after leading his staff on a walk for health to mark the inauguration of the “Hi App” on Friday morning.

The launch ceremony was held on Friday and attended by PSVB’s Managing Director Mr Phaiboun Phongsavanh, the Deputy Chief Executive Office Mr Sivilay Phommachack, the Chief Commercial Officer Mr Steven Bennett, the Deputy Chief Operating Officer Mr Sengkham Phanthavong and other senior banking officers.
Mr Sivilay, speaking on behalf of the Board, said the launch of the newly developed mobile banking application was another important component of the bank’s vision to improve the standard of the banking industry in Laos.

“Hi App meets the needs of domestic and foreign customers who want access to financial services anytime, anywhere via a convenient, secure and transparent platform from a trusted financial services provider”, he said.
Adding that Hi App is available to all members of society and supports the bank’s objective of providing greater access to financial services in Laos, raising the level of financial inclusion.
Mr Sivilay continued, as well as investing in the development of a world class mobile application, the bank has in parallel invested heavily in the necessary cybersecurity infrastructure.
“This ensures our customers can remain confident that PSVB’s digital infrastructure is as robust and trusted as the physical infrastructure.”
Hi App comes as a standalone digital wallet and, when linked to a PSVB account, a combined digital wallet and mobile banking application.

Senior banking officers of PSVB, along with invited guests, release balloons to mark the launch of the banking application.
Bank directors, deputy directors and employees gather for a group photo to celebrate the successful inauguration of the application.

It has a rich functionality, including full account information, payments to and from other banks and uniquely to any phone number in Laos, QR payments and receipts, FX exchange, Bill Payment, mobile top-ups, fixed deposits, instant Cashback Rewards on some transactions, and more.
The digital wallet can also be topped up from a card and international payments and Western Union will be added shortly.
The bank’s Chief Commercial Officer, Mr Steven Bennett, informed reporters at the event that importantly, the Hi App QR Code is LAPNet Lao QR compliant. He explained, “this means that a Hi App customer can make QR payments to and receive QR payments from the QR codes of 10 different banks in Laos, they need not be restricted to a single bank.”
He added that, “this was a major step in helping to raise the standards of the banking sector, as customers will be able to choose banks based on service quality and reliability.”
Hi App is available in Laos, English and Chinese versions. It is free to download from the App Store, Play Store and App Gallery.
Mr Bennett concluded, “as our customers would expect, security, trust and confidentiality are integral to everything we do, not just our digital platforms,” and “to ensure this integrity is across all platforms, the bank has engaged a wide range of the leading international security companies to ensure the platform meets the best international security standards.”

By Advertorial Desk
 (Latest Update February 6, 2023)


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