A Lao government official (right) and an official from the Republic of Korea sign a Record of Discussion for a project to implement the River Port Management Information System in Laos. |
S. Korea provides US$4.25 million for upgrade of Mekong ports
The Republic of Korea has contributed US$4.25 million to the Development of the River Port Management Information System (Port-MIS) project taking place in Laos.
The aim of the project is to achieve systematic and efficient operation of ports on the Mekong River by improving the administrative efficiency of port management through the establishment of the Port-MIS at five river ports.
These have been named as the Km4 port in Vientiane, the Ban Mom port and Huayxai port in Bokeo province, the Luang Prabang port in Luang Prabang province, and the Pakxan port in Borikhamxay province.
In addition, the project will develop a master plan for port management and support capacity building for central and local government officials and the representatives of port operating organisations for Port-MIS application and operation.
The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) will provide ICT equipment to improve ICT infrastructure at the five ports and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
The five-year project will be implemented until 2027.
KOICA and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport signed a Record of Discussion in Vientiane on July 7 to initiate the project.
Those taking part in the signing ceremony included the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Laos, Mr Jung Yung-Soo; Minister of Public Works and Transport, Mr Ngampasong Muongmany; Country Director of the KOICA office in Laos, Ms Kim Myung Jin; and Deputy Minister of Public Works and Transport Mrs Vilaykham Phosalath.
Ambassador Jung Yung-Soo said “We are pleased that the Korean government has played a leading role in the infrastructure connectivity of Laos through diverse ODA projects and investment. I am confident that cooperation between our two countries will be expanded in the future under the Korean government’s Korea-Asean solidarity initiative.”
Mr Ngampasong Muongmany added “I believe the Port-MIS project will play a significant role in implementing and expanding the waterway law, particularly in developing the baseline data on port management and waterways transport in Laos, so that port operations are modernised, become effective and reliable, and ports are able to attract both domestic and international investment.”
The KOICA office in Laos hopes the project will not only contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 16 to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, but also to laying the foundation for the development of inland waterways in Laos.
By Times Reporters
(Latest Update July 10, 2023)