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Election achieves goal to strengthen legislative bodies

A senior official at the National Assembly (NA) is confident that the newly formed legislative body will be stronger than previous ones in representing the people to oversee the work of government and the judiciary.
Standing Member of the NA’s Standing Committee, Dr Somphou Duangsavanh, who is the National Election Committee’s spokesman, made the comment when speaking at a press conference on Friday to announce the results of the election of members to the National Assembly’s ninth legislature, and the second legislature of Provincial People’s Councils.

“I am confident that the National Assembly’s ninth legislature will be successful in fulfilling its prescribed role and duties, opening a new page in driving forward the country’s development,” he said.
A total of 164 candidates were elected as members of the NA’s ninth legislature, of whom 36 are women.
Of these, 64 (including 11 women) hold positions with central level government bodies, 100 (including 25 women) represent the provinces.
Of the 164 elected,42 were members of the previous legislature, three work for state-owned enterprises, while six work in the private sector or are engaged in business.
Seventy-five members, who comprise almost half of the total membership, are aged 46-55, while 59 members are aged 56 to 60.
Another 49 members are under the age of 46, while the remaining 11 are older than 60.
Most of the candidates completed upper secondary school, with only three ending their studies after finishing lower secondary school.
Seventy-seven members have a Master’s degree, 36 have a bachelor degree, 31 have a doctorate, and the rest have a diploma or higher diploma.
With regard to ethnicity, 135 members belong to the Lao-Tai language group, 21 are Mone-Khmer, six are Hmong-Ioumien, and two belong to the Tibeto-Burmese ethnic group.
Dr Somphou said the election achieved the target to create a new National Assembly whose members have a wide range of ages, education, qualifications, background, and ethnicity.
“Now that their membership has been approved, Assembly members and the members of Provincial People’s Councils are obliged to fulfil their rights, role and duty to strengthen the capacity of the Assembly and councils by applying their knowledge and qualifications,” the National Election Committee spokesman said.
Laos has a population of about 7.1 million, of whom about 4 million people are eligible to vote.
According to the National Election Committee, 98 percent of voters went to polling stations on election day.
As the largest constituency in terms of population, Savannakhet province has 20 representatives in the National Assembly, while Vientiane has 18 members and Champassak province is represented by 15 members of National Assembly.
There are 492 members in the second legislature of Provincial People’s Councils, 150 of whom are women.

List of elected National Assembly members

Constituency: 1 (Vientiane)
1. Dr Xaysomphone Phomvihane
2. Dr Anouphab Tounalom
3. Associate Prof. Dr Linkham Duangsavanh
4. Mr Bounta Thepphavong
5. Dr Ketkeo Sihalath
6. Mr Xaykham Ounmixay
7. Associate Prof. Viengvilay Thiengchanxay
8.  Mr Bountham Phoutthavongsa
9.  Ms Ketmany Bandasack
10. Dr Valy Vetsaphong
11. Ms Somphien Vongxay
12.  Ms Vixay Srithirath
13. Lieutenant Colonel Chanthala Oudomsouk
14. Mr Thongsavanh  Miboun
15. Mr Khamphong Sengsavang
16. Dr Aengphone Phaengsouvanh
17. Ms Sompaseuth Sihalath
18. Mr Thanongsith Meuangchanh

Constituency: 2 (Phongsaly)
1. Mr Thongsy Saosouliphom
2. Mr Khammuan Xomsihapanya
3. Mr Somchit Hablakone
4. Mr Sisounthone Sorphabmixay
5.  Ms Chanmany Duangphasouk
6. Mr Oukham Toulaphanh

Constituency: 3 (Luang Namtha)
1. Mr Khamfong Inmany
2. Brigadier General Dr Vongsack Phanthavong
3. Colonel Dr Vanthone Soulisack
4. Mr Kongphet Keobuapha
5. Ms Kesone Sengyavong
6. Mr Chanthasoulin Manpadith
Constituency: 4    (Oudomxay)
1. Mr Khamdy Vonglorm
2. Dr Khamchanh  Sotapaseuth
3. Ms Khamphone Phimmachanh
4. Mr Leuam Somsivilay
5. Mr Nisith Keopanya
6. Lieutenant Colonel Sonvilay Toulathong
7. Mr Khammany Xayduangta

Constituency: 5 (Bokeo)
1. Mr Chomsy Lattanapan
2. Ms Thoummaly  Vongphachanh
3. Lieutenant Colonel Houmphaeng Inthachak
4. Dr Vilaphanh Silitham
5. Ms Buakhom Khansouvong
6. Lieutenant Colonel Nengsida Bialeumua

Constituency: 6  (Luang Prabang)
1. Mr Vongsavanh Thepphachanh
2. Dr Sinava  Souphanouvong
3. Ms Manivanh Yiapaoher
4. Ms Vienvilay Dilaphanh
5. Ms Vandy Boutthasavong
6. Dr Korlakan Phommavong
7. Mr Somphone Sioudomphanh
8. Mr Sommaly Khamkeng
9. Dr Vongphet Oudomlith
10. Colonel Sivixay Phengsantisouk

Constituency: 7 (Xayaboury)
1. Lieutenant General Souvone Leuangbounmy
2. Dr Leeber Leebuapao
3. Mr Phengnilan Khamphanpheng
4. Dr Bounta Onnavong
5. Dr Bounlom Keobuahome
6. Mr Bounluan Xomsihapanya
7. Mr Chattava Keokhamphet
8. Mr Somana Pinthip
9. Ms Vanna Phomvisone

Constituency: 8 (Huaphan)
1. Ms Amphayvone Lombounphaeng
2. Mr Khamphaeng Vilaphanh
3. Mr Khonpaphanh Leuangsichanthong
4. Mr Keochaleun Xiayingyang
5. Dr Sathabandith Insixiengmay
6. Mr Sikham Bounmixay
7. Ms Suayphet Thongsombath

Constituency: 9 (Xieng Khuang)
1. Mr Bounhome Thetthany
2. Mr Viengxay Sivilay
3. Mr Viengkeo Vannachak
4. Dr Maysy  Viengvilay
5. Mr Khamphaeng Thammavone
6. Dr Khamsene Sisavong
7. Ms Sotthida Thipmountaly

Constituency: 10 (Vientiane province)
1. Prof. Dr Chaleun Yiapaoher
2. Mr Bounsone Phetlavanh
3. Mr Lammay Koutlavong
4. Colonel Dr Phouthone Vorlaphet
5. Mr Buakham Luang-aphay
6. Mr Khanphet Bountam
7. Prof. Dr Hongkham Souvannavong
8. Ms Malaysy Thammakhot
9. Lieutenant Colonel Bounnam Chanthongsy
10. Dr Inpone Maniseng

Constituency: 11 (Borikhamxay)
1. Ms Pingkham Lasasimma
2. Dr Souvanny Xayxana
3. Mr Leuanvilay Chanthalaphanh
4. Colonel Khamsai Phandanouvong
5. Mr Nouphanh Oudsa
6. Ms Khanthong Phanthachak
7. Mr Oudom Vongkaysone

Constituency: 12 (Khammuan)
1. Mr Khambay Damlath
2. Mr Bounmy Phimmasone
3. Dr Xaynakhone Inthavong
4. Ms Bang-on Xayasith
5. Prof. Dr Maifong Maixai
6. Mr Tosern Outthatsy
7. Mr Thanongsinh Kanlaya
8. Ms Aly Buachoum
9. Mr Saleumsack Keochanthala

Constituency: 13 (Savannakhet)
1. Dr Sounthone Xayachak
2. Mr Kongkeo Mivorachak
3. Mr Khamphanh Khounsavanh
4. Mr Chanthavong Saen-amatmounty
5. Mr Phonsane Vilaymeng
6. Mr Sanya Praseuth
7. Brigadier General Dr Mala Vilachit
8. Mr Savaeng Nanthavong
9. Mr Thongsay Inthisaeng
10. Dr Buakhay Phengphachanh
11. Lieutenant Colonel Khounsamay Linsanya
12. Mr Xayadeth Phouiyavong
13. Dr Soulaphone Inthavong
14. Mr Khamparn Khenvongsack
15. Dr Souksavanh Xaysombath
16. Ms Xayxomxeun Phothisane
17. Mr Vorasith Sivongdao
18. Ms Hongkham Xayakhom
19. Lieutenant Colonel Saengka Souvannakhong
20. Mr Phoukhong Chithoublork

Constituency: 14 (Saravan)
1. Mr Siheng Homsombath
2. Mr Soubanh Savabouth
3. Mr Khamsing Saysompheng
4. Mr Padeumphone Sonthany
5. Mr Khanxay Latthahao
6. Ms Phonphet Ounkeo
7. Mr Saysamone Inthisene
8. Ms Thongbay Xayasane
9. Mr Souksavanh Chanthisouk

Constituency: 15 (Champassak)
1. Mr Sommad Pholsena
2. Mr Saithong Xayavong
3. Brigadier General Saichay Kommasith
4. Mr Amphay Chitmanon
5. Mr Chanthaboun Souk-aloun
6. Ms Bounmy Chounlachak
7. Mr Keolattana Sihavong
8. Dr Chansoda Phonthip
9. Dr Somxay Sihachak
10. Mr Manivong Saenlath
11. Mr Khamtay Keoduangdy
12. Lieutenant Colonel Sivilay Keopaseuth
13. Dr Xaybandith Rasphone
14. Dr Somsack Saengsakda
15. Ms Bounsouvanh Phoxayxanasack

Constituency: 16 (Xekong)
1. Mr Dongphet Phayon
2. Ms Thadsadaphone Chanthamath
3. Dr Phaengsy Silavy
4. Ms Haymany Vongnorkeo
5. Mr Khampasith Thepvongsa
6. Lieutenant Colonel Sidavong Duangpany

Constituency: 17 (Attapeu)
1. Ms Minaphone Xaysomphou
2. Mr Maniso Xamounty
3. Ms Phonmany Khienxayavong
4. Mr Khampasong Latsachak
5. Mr Souksamlane Xayasaeng
6. Lieutenant Colonel Bounxou Soulinanthong

Constituency: 18 (Xaysomboun)
1.  Mr Daeng Pathoumthong
2. Mr Thanta Kongphaly
3.  Lieutenant Colonel Vixaythor Phialuangchongser
4.  Brigadier General Somvanh Thammaxay
5.  Ms Khankab Xayakoummane
6. Colonel Khamdone Chanthavong


By Somxay Sengdara
(Latest Update
March 8,

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