Govt proposes amendment of water resources, environmental laws
The government has asked the National Assembly to endorse the amendment of two laws, namely those relating to water and water resources, and environmental protection.
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Mr Sommad Pholsena on Wednesday presented an amended draft of the 2017 version of the law on water and water resources and an amended version of the law on environmental protection for Assembly members to consider and approve.
Mr Sommad stressed the need for lawmakers to endorse the drafts of the two amended laws, saying that changes were necessary to ensure the administration of water resources and environmental protection complied with the law on land, which was endorsed in 2019.
Amendment of the two laws also aims to make the administration of water resources and environmental protection consistent with the national land management strategy, which the government plans to implement from now until 2030.
The main aim of the land management strategy is to ensure that 70 percent of Laos’ land area is forested, Mr Sommad said.
In addition, the land management strategy authorises the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to be in charge of all types of land management, including land that surrounds water resources.
Amendment of the law would empower the natural resources and environment sector to conduct surveys relating to all types of land, and formulate plans for land conservation and development, according to the minister.
Mr Sommad said Articles 34 and 35 of the law on water and water resources and Article 18 of the law on environmental protection would be amended to ensure compatibility with the law on land and land management strategy and the NA’s resolutions.
After presenting the amendments, the NA chairperson asked Assembly members to consider whether the proposed changes to the two laws were relevant to current needs and would ensure the effective administration of land and the protection of natural resources, especially water resources.
Lawmakers made constructive comments on the proposed amendments to the two laws.
The government considers the protection of land surrounding water resources to be of great importance because it is essential that water resources and environmental protection are sustainable.
By Times Reporters
(Latest Update July 2, 2020) |