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Law enforcement agencies directed to shut illegal lottery, slot machine outlets

Authorities have directed law enforcement agencies to strictly deal with individuals and businesses engaged in illegal lotteries, slot machine outlets and online games and other illicit businesses across Laos.  
The Economic Police Department under the Ministry of Public Security recently issued a notification informing the public, businesses and entrepreneurs to stop services and operations such as illegal lotteries, slot machines, online games, and other illegal businesses.
Anyone found violating these guidelines will be issued an official warning notice for the first infringement. Repeat offences will result in fines and arrest according to the law.
The measures for illegal lotteries will be implemented under the order of the Minister of Finance No 1332, issued in 2009, which outlines guidelines for management of lotteries.
First time offenders will be re-educated and issued an official warning notice to stop their illegal lotteries and their printing equipment will be confiscated.
Those caught for a second offence will be re-educates and fined 50 percent of the values of the illegal lotteries and 100 percent of the value of the second time fines, and their printing equipment will be confiscated.
Those caught for a third offence will be punished according to Article 141 of the Penal Code of the Lao PDR that prohibits gambling. 
The measures for slot machines and online gambling shops will be implemented under the notice of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism No 157, issued in 2017, which has the guidelines for slot machine services, and Article 141 of the Penal Code.
The first time offenders in the slot machines category will also be re-educated and issued an official warning notice to stop such illegal activities. Their machines and equipment will be seized.
Second offences will lead to an investigation and fines between 200,000 kip and 5 million kip as well as the confiscation of machines.
Offenders will be detained or arrested for third infringements according to Article 141 of the Penal Code.
The measures for illegal businesses will be implemented under notification No 2253 by the Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office, issued in 2019, that outlines steps to be taken against illegal operations and includes provisions of the Penal Code.

By Phomphong Laoin
(Latest Update April 3, 2020)

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