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Deputy PM Prof. Dr Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune, ambassadors, and senior government officials, members of the public gather at Patouxay Park at midnight on Sunday to celebrate the arrival of 2024.

Locals turn out in force to welcome the New Year

Residents of Vientiane, along with everyone else across the country, gathered with friends and family on Sunday night to welcome the arrival of 2024, hoping for good luck and a change in fortune with the start of a new year.
In Vientiane, the celebrations took centre stage at Patouxay Park, which was lit up in spectacular fashion, drawing thousands of people from all walks of life to witness the countdown to 2024 as midnight struck.
Patouxay and other places in the city came alive with sounds of jollity as people sang songs and danced and bands played, all in an atmosphere of jubilation.
The events at Patouxay were organised by the Vientiane Administration Office and sponsored by the Lao Brewery Company.
These were the first New Year celebrations to be staged at Patouxay, which proved to be a very popular gathering place.
As the midnight hour was announced, fireworks blazed into the sky and the assembled crowd gazed heavenwards in awe and delight.
Dignitaries present on the occasion included Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Dr Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune, the Mayor of Vientiane, Dr Athsphangthong Siphandone, ministers, ambassadors, and officials from various international organisations.
Everyone exchanged good wishes for a happy and prosperous 2024, with revellers hoping for better times ahead.
Across the country, people in rural areas celebrated the arrival of 2024 in a less grandiose fashion but were equally happy to anticipate the start of a new year and hopefully a better future.
The arrival of 2024 is particularly significant as it heralds the start of Visit Laos Year 2024 and Laos’ chairmanship of Asean.
The start of 2024 was also celebrated with great enthusiasm around the world as the new year began in different countries at varying times, with nations in the east being the first to start the global party.
And so we start a new year with hope in our hearts for global peace, prosperity, and the wellbeing of communities the world over.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update January 2, 2024)

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