Prof. Dr Phouphet Kyophilavong (centre), Ms Mel Barlow (right) and Ms Lily Ryan-Collins co-chair the workshop in Vientiane.
NUOL hosts 3rd Climate Compatible Growth annual workshop for Laos
The Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme and the National University of Laos (NUOL) last week hosted the 3rd Lao PDR CCG annual workshop at the Crowne Plaza Vientiane.
The CCG programme is a £95 million UK Government-funded initiative that aims to support Laos in achieving its net zero goals by supporting evidence-based energy and transport policy development. The Lao PDR CCG Network, led by NUOL, has been running since 2021.
The CCG programme funds collaborative research projects and capacity building activities between Lao and UK experts and works to ensure that CCG activities are aligned with the policy and research interests of Lao stakeholders to support green growth.
Participants gather for the 3rd Lao PDR CCG annual workshop at the Crowne Plaza Vientiane.
This workshop showcased ongoing research and policy-facing activities within the Lao PDR CCG Network and brought together both academics and policymakers to explore how research and policy are supporting Laos’ green growth agenda.
The workshop was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC), and researchers from the various faculties of the National University of Laos.
Representatives from international organisations were also present, including the New Zealand Renewable Energy Facility, the Asian Development Bank and the Laos-Australia Sustainable Energy Partnership. Researchers from the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London were also present.
The event was opened by the British Ambassador to Laos, Ms Mel Barlow, and the Vice President of NUOL, Prof. Dr Phouphet Kyophilavong, with remarks delivered by Ms Lily Ryan-Collins, Senior Infrastructure Advisor at the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.
The first workshop session was a thought-provoking plenary speech from Prof. Dr Phouphet Kyophilavong on approaches to accessing green finance for Laos’ green economy ambitions. This was followed by a plenary panel discussion about the opportunities and barriers for Laos achieving its green growth ambitions.
Lao delegates from the national government’s MEM, MOIC, and MONRE participated alongside representatives from the private sector, including Électricité du Lao and Loca, and academia (NUOL).
Over the preceding two days, participants heard excellent research presentations from nine different Lao and UK-based research groups that provided an overview of the exciting activities that are ongoing in the Lao PDR CCG Network.
These included presentations on energy systems modelling, green hydrogen and ammonia, the just transition, energy efficiency in industry, and e-mobility.
Looking ahead to the next year, the Lao CCG Network would like to further develop the policy-facing research outputs which will support evidence-based policymaking in Laos.
CCG will also be working closely with NUOL to develop academic training programmes and courses to support low-emission energy and transport research. We look forward to another impactful year ahead.
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(Latest Update February 12, 2025)