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ASEAN Children’s Forum shines spotlight on child-led climate action

The 8th ASEAN Children’s Forum convened in Vientiane on Monday, with a strong focus on empowering children to lead climate change initiatives across the region.

Participants and dignitaries pose for a group photo at the start of the ASEAN Children’s Forum in Vientiane on Monday.

The forum is taking place from August 19-21 and gathers young delegates from all 10 ASEAN Member States, both in person and virtually, under the theme “Children-Led Climate Change Action towards a Resilient ASEAN Community”.
The forum, a biennial event organised by ASEAN Member States, serves as a platform for children and young people to discuss pressing issues affecting their lives.
This year’s forum focuses on climate change, reflecting the growing concern among the younger generation about the impact of environmental degradation on their future.
Discussions will cover a wide range of topics, including food security, nutrition, migration, child protection, and education.
In her opening remarks, President of the Lao Women’s Union, Mrs Aly Vongnorbountham, stressed the crucial role that children must play in climate action.
“Children are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are key stakeholders today in building a sustainable and resilient ASEAN community,” she said.
She noted the Lao government’s ongoing commitment to advancing children’s rights and affirmed that the government will continue to create opportunities for children’s participation in related programmes.
Mrs Aly called on the public and private sectors, development partners, international NGOs, and social organisations to collaborate effectively and take responsibility for implementing initiatives that promote children’s rights, in alignment with the goals of the ASEAN community.
Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr Padeumphone Sonthany, speaking on behalf of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting for Social Welfare and Development, emphasised the ministry’s commitment to protecting and empowering Lao children.
“The ministry plays an active role within the ASEAN framework, focusing on enhancing policies, legislation and welfare services to create a safe and supportive environment where all children are protected, cared for, and provided with opportunities to realise their rights and potential,” he said.
Young delegates at the 8th ASEAN Children’s Forum presented a Children’s Declaration on Climate Action, detailing their commitment to and recommendations for tackling climate change.
This declaration will be submitted to ASEAN leaders and relevant bodies for policy consideration.
Participants also took part in workshops on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and environmental education, exploring the role of children in advocating for sustainable practices. The forum encouraged collaboration among delegates, who proposed initiatives to promote climate resilience in their communities.
The event also featured sessions where children shared personal experiences with climate change, emphasising the challenges faced by vulnerable communities across ASEAN.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update August 20, 2024)

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