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The treehouse café.

La Foret: A breath of fresh air for Vientiane folk

Calmly sipping a cup of your favourite Lao coffee and inhaling its rich aroma while fresh air gently caresses your face, accompanied by the sounds of nature, you find yourself sitting in a comfy wooden chair at a treehouse café 21 metres above ground, nestled among lush green trees.
You can experience this at the brand new treetop café in Laos at La Foret, located in Vernthaen village, Xaythany district, Vientiane, just 32km from the city centre and approximately 2km from Nabong Agricultural College.

The restaurant at La Foret.

To reach the café, you walk through the tree canopy, marvelling at trees that are 200-300 years old. Here, you not only satisfy your hunger but can also fill your lungs with fresh air and enrich your soul in the lap of nature.
The treehouse café is just one of the many attractions visitors can enjoy at La Foret.
Upon arrival, you will be greeted by friendly, well-trained staff at the ticket and reception office, which has a woven bamboo roof made by skilled craftsmen.
After buying a ticket, you will be led to a boat that will take you across the Ngum River and may encounter local fishermen in their slender wooden craft. While crossing, take in the scenic greenery on the other side, where you’ll spot the round logo that identifies La Foret.
Stepping off the boat, you’ll immediately feel relaxed in the peaceful atmosphere of the dense woodland that lines the river. There are no buildings in sight and the forest appears thick and untouched.
To reach the main area, you can either walk to immerse yourself in nature or take a golf cart or rent a bike to cycle around. You will soon arrive at the central area, which features the main restaurant called “Khop Chai Deu”. Yes, it is part of the same chain you may be familiar with in Vientiane. Here, you will receive a warm welcome from staff who come from Vernthan village and nearby areas.
The restaurant has an indoor dining area and an outdoor balcony. From the balcony, you can enjoy the surrounding greenery and a natural pond in front of the restaurant where wild ducks come to find food.
A short walk from the restaurant leads you to the Orchid Pavilion which has a small waterfall and feels like a secret garden. Nearby is a meeting room that can accommodate about 80 people—an ideal space for companies or organisations to hold meetings or staff retreats. You can also visit another pavilion showcasing local bamboo species.
After enjoying lunch and relaxing for a while, it’s nice to explore the area further and engage in some activities.
With a small paved path winding through the area, it’s enjoyable to bike, walk, or run in the morning or evening while drinking in the forest views. The fresh air and dense shade create a haven for runners, in sharp contrast to the hot and dusty streets of Vientiane.
Like other projects developed by Green Discovery Laos, owner Mr Inthy Deuansavanh never disappoints visitors. The leisure retreat also offers adventure activities such as zip-lining, tree canopy walks, ropeways and more to help visitors immerse themselves in Laos’ rich natural bounty.

Runners jog along a tree-lined trail. --Photo La Foret The tree canopy walkway leading to the cafe.

“A lot of people who come here are amazed at how many large trees still thrive in this area. Many of them are 200-300 years old,” Mr Inthy said.
“Local people here in Vernthaen believe there are spirits in this jungle that protect the area,” he added.
Mr Inthy explained that Vernthaen is also involved in the history of Phra Souk Phra Sai (historically significant Buddha images). While the Phra Souk was being transported to Nong Khai by boat, it sank here in Vernthaen—hence its name, which means “the basement of the Phra Souk”.
“So local people believe there are spirits here to protect the Buddha statue’s resting place. Thank you to the spirits for allowing us to still have many large trees remaining in Vientiane,” Mr Inthy said.
“The aim of this project is to preserve this forested area and create a space for the people of Vientiane, expats and tourists to experience nature together with their families. Children can come here to get some exercise while also learning about the trees and the forest.”
As with his other projects in Laos, local community involvement is a top priority.
“Staff sourced from Vernthaen and neighbouring villages are our first choice. We also support local people who can grow vegetables and produce food and other supplies that we need. Supporting local products is essential to us.”
“Not only do we provide employment for local people, but a portion of all fees collected from visitors will be contributed to the village fund,” Mr Inthy added.
It’s noteworthy that there are few other buildings in this expansive area, and those present are eco-friendly facilities. Visitors can enjoy camping and picnicking with friends and family during the week or on weekends. Tents are available for rent, and there is a minimart where visitors can buy food and vegetables to cook in the designated camping area, complete with kitchen facilities.
Whether you’re a local or a traveller exploring Vientiane, La Foret stands out as a must-visit destination. So the next time you find yourself in Vientiane, be sure to indulge in the magic of La Foret.

By Keoxomphou Sakdavong
 (Latest Update August 21, 2024)

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