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The resurfaced Kasy-Nan road linking Vientiane and Luang Prabang provinces.

Kasy-Nan road reopens after resurfacing

The resurfacing of a treacherous 9km section of Road 4C between Kasy district in Vientiane province and Nan district in Luang Prabang province is now complete and the road is now open to heavy vehicles.
The road surface has been strengthened by laying concrete on a one-kilometre section at the tightest bend. The rest of the road has been resurfaced with asphalt, a project supervisor told the Vientiane Times.
Resurfacing of a 68-km section of Road 4C began in March this year, in an attempt to make this well-known accident black spot safer for motorists.
The road is the scene of many accidents because it is narrow and steep, and has many sharp bends. Blind corners have caused vehicles to drive off the road and plunge down precipices if drivers travel too fast or meet another vehicle head on.
The Kasy-Nan road, a shortcut between Vientiane and Luang Prabang provinces, significantly reduces travel time between the two districts compared to travel on Road 13 North.
Construction of the road began in 2008 and was completed in 2014, but the surface is often in poor condition.
Every year, roads across the country deteriorate because of heavy rain and landslides in the rainy season and the increasing number of heavy trucks. Another problem is the use of inadequate materials during the surfacing process, as contractors try to cut costs.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update August 27, 2024)

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