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Security officials intensify crackdown on scam call centres in Golden Triangle SEZ

Bokeo authorities are continuing their efforts to ensure that no more scam call centres are allowed to operate out of the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone.

Major General Saichai Kommasith addresses a meeting on telecoms fraud in the Golden Triangle SEZ in Bokeo province.

A meeting to discuss the rollout of further inspections and monitoring was held at the Zone in Tonpheung district, Bokeo province. Those attending the meeting included the Deputy Governor of Bokeo province, Major General Saichai Kommasith.
Head of the Public Security Office at the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone, Colonel Anousin Sackpaseuth, delivered a report on the planned inspections and elimination of telecoms fraud groups that have been running the call centres.
The meeting followed on from earlier discussions on the matter, which took place on August 9.
It was agreed that National Defence personnel will form four special units to exercise control of the Zone, maintain the security of the site, and deal with any emergency situations that arise.
If any of these units encounters a situation that requires legal action, they will seek cooperation with immigration personnel or police stationed at the Golden Triangle international checkpoint who are responsible for admitting foreigners to the Zone.
They will coordinate in efforts to repatriate any individuals suspected of illicit operations in the Zone.
Major General Saichai expressed his appreciation to those officials who had sought out and detained suspects and were continuing to do so, in a bid to put a stop to the proliferation of call centres within the Golden Triangle SEZ.
On Monday, the Golden Triangle SEZ Security Command appointed a group of 250 people from the District Executive Council, District Military Coordinating Committee, District Management Committee and Cyber Lao Management Co., Ltd. to pursue investigations and stamp out the operation of call centres in four target locations, where it is believed 16 companies are operating illegally in the Golden Triangle SEZ.

By Times Reporters
(Latest Update
August 28,


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