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Mr Thongsavanh Phomvihane greets Japanese Foreign Minister Ms Kamikawa Yoko in Japan last week.

Laos bolsters Party ties with Japan

A senior official from the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party paid an official visit to Japan from August 26-29 to strengthen Party and public diplomacy between Laos and Japan.
Head of the Party Central Committee’s External Relations, Mr Thongsavanh Phomvihane, and his delegation held talks with key Japanese officials including Foreign Minister Ms Kamikawa Yoko, senior diplomats, representatives of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), the Komeito Party, the Saitama-Lao Friendship Association, the Japan-Lao Friendship Association, and business leaders.
Lao and Japanese officials said they highly valued 70-year diplomatic relationship between Laos and Japan and the 10-year Lao-Japan strategic partnership, which has significantly contributed to bilateral development.
The two delegations discussed a wide range of issues, including socio-economic progress, and agreed to strength Party relations between the two countries, and promote trade cooperation and people-to-people exchanges.
Cooperation on economic affairs, trade, investment, clean energy, and tourism between Laos and Japan were also topics of discussion.
The Lao side expressed appreciation to Japan for its ongoing support, particularly in areas such as human resource development, unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance, infrastructure development, agriculture, poverty reduction, and humanitarian aid.
Lao officials also thanked Japan for its backing of Laos’ ASEAN chairmanship and Japan pledged its commitment to supporting Laos’ role as the chair of ASEAN.
During his visit, Mr Thongsavanh and his delegation met with members of the Lao community in Japan at the Lao Embassy in Tokyo.
Mr Thongsavan’s visit marks a significant step in the ongoing enhancement of Lao-Japanese relations, particularly as both countries prepare to celebrate the 70th anniversary of their diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary of their strategic partnership in 2025.
Lao Ambassador to Japan, Mrs Phongamouth Anlavan, accompanied the delegation throughout the visit.


By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update September 3, 2024)

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