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ASEAN-Australia: How food creates bonds of friendship

In a world often divided by borders and differences, food emerges as a powerful unifier, weaving together the rich tapestry of cultures and friendships.
From the vibrant spices of Southeast Asia to the hearty flavours of the Australian outback, each dish tells a story, inviting us to share in its heritage.

Chef Vilay demonstrates her winning Lao dishes while chef Audra and guests watch with enthusiasm.

As friends gather around a table laden with culinary delights, barriers dissolve, laughter fills the air, and the simple act of sharing a meal transforms strangers into companions.
Last Tuesday evening, the Australian Embassy hosted a lively event, “Taste of ASEAN and Australia”, celebrating the rich culinary traditions of ASEAN nations and Australian flavours.
The gathering emphasised the vital role of food in fostering cultural connections, especially in light of the upcoming ASEAN Summits taking place in Laos next month.
The event welcomed guests from government, the Australian network, and alumni, showcasing unique cuisines from each ASEAN country, cooking demonstrations and tastings.
In her address, the Australian Ambassador highlighted food’s power as a cultural bridge, saying that attendees would enjoy the diverse dishes on offer while recognising the shared values that connect the region.
The ambassador also marked the 72-year diplomatic relationship between Australia and Laos, alongside the 70th anniversary of the first Lao scholar studying in Australia under the Colombo Plan. This year Australia celebrates 50 years of partnership with ASEAN.
“We are proud to be ASEAN’s first Dialogue Partner and a Comprehensive Strategic Partner,” the Ambassador said. She underscored Laos’ crucial role as the ASEAN chair this year and reaffirmed Australia’s commitment to strengthening bilateral relations through the Comprehensive Partnership and the Southeast Asia Economic Strategy, aimed at enhancing trade and investment with the region.

Some food displayed.

“It’s about deepening our connections,” she noted, emphasising that half of all Australians have overseas roots and over 1 million share family ties with ASEAN countries.

The traditional coconut grinding tool used in several ASEAN countries including Laos, demonstrating a shared regional culture.

The event featured two master chefs: passionate Lao chef Ms Vilay, recognised at the ASEAN Sustainable Tourism Solutions in 2020, and Australian chef Audra, a renowned TV presenter.
Chef Audra expressed her excitement about her first visit to Laos, inspired by its local cuisine. During visits to local markets, accompanied by Lao hospitality students, she admired the fresh ingredients attractively displayed at the many stalls and in particular the various kinds of sticky rice, especially the black variety.

Highlighting food’s universal appeal, Chef Audra remarked that dining fosters connections across cultures. She fondly recalled her experiences of Lao cuisine, praising its fresh herbs and bold flavours, and expressed eagerness to explore more of Laos’ culinary delights.
“Food is a global unifier,” she said. “When people from different backgrounds gather around a table, we all become equal through our shared enjoyment of food. It’s a fantastic way to spark conversations.”
Chef Vilay, who has over 15 years of experience and works at the Khop Chai Deu restaurant, said many foreigners enjoy traditional Lao foods like the popular meat or fish dish called laab.
“They appreciate Lao culture, and when they taste authentic Lao food, they feel connected to our lifestyle. The uniqueness of Lao cuisine lies in its freshness and variety of herbs.” The “Taste of ASEAN and Australia” event not only showcased culinary excellence but also reinforced the deep-rooted connections between Australia and ASEAN nations, celebrating diversity through the universal language of food.

By Keoxomphou Sakdavong
 (Latest Update September 17, 2024)

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