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Australia’s Assistant Minister for Trade Senator Tim Ayres.

Australia’s Assistant Trade Minister to visit Laos for ASEAN meetings

Australian Assistant Minister for Trade Senator Tim Ayres is travelling to Laos this week to attend ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) meetings.
The assistant minister, who also serves in the Future Made in Australia portfolio, will also visit Thailand to push forward the Australian government’s policy to foster deeper ties with the ASEAN region.
This year marks 50 years since Australia became the first dialogue partner of the 10-member regional bloc. ASEAN has since grown as a centre of global economic activity and business, and is one of the world’s fastest-growing regions.
In Laos, Senator Ayers will co-chair the 56th ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meeting, where he is expected to promote the benefits of the upgraded ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement.
“I will also attend the East Asia Summit Economic Ministers’ Meeting and the Third Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Ministers’ Meeting,” Senator Ayres said in a message posted on the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s website.
“These trade agreements, alongside our Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040, chart a pathway for our exporters, investors, and businesses to make the most of the region’s incredible opportunities.”
In Thailand, the assistant minister will discuss at the Strategic Economic Dialogue how Australia and Thailand can further deepen their trade and investment ties.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update September 21, 2024)

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