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Laos, China strengthen relations, cooperation

Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Dr Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune and his delegation on Tuesday met with Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang in Nanning, China, to further enhance relations and cooperation between Laos and China.
Prof. Dr Kikeo is on a working visit to China to attend the opening ceremony of the 21st China-ASEAN EXPO (21st CAEXPO) in Nanning.
He expressed deep gratitude to the Chinese Party and government for their warm welcome to the Lao delegation.

Deputy Prime Minister Prof. Dr Kikeo Khaykhamphithoune (left) on Tuesday meets with Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang in Nanning, China. 

He also said he highly valued the friendly relations, long-term stable and comprehensive strategic partnership between Laos and China, especially the outcomes of this strategic partnership in recent years.
The Lao and Chinese delegations expressed deep appreciation for the cooperative relationship between the parties, states and peoples of their two countries, which have strengthened over the years and produced increasingly fruitful results.
The outcome of a meeting between the two Party Secretary-generals at the end of 2023 was a unanimous agreement to raise the Laos-China strategic partnership to a higher level.
This consensus on the part of the top leadership has become a guidepost for enhanced comprehensive bilateral cooperation.
Prof. Dr Kikeo said he was pleased to see that since the beginning of 2023 the implementation of this agreement had yielded significant results, such as more reciprocal visits between leaders, and the provision of more education and training for Lao nationals.
All of this has demonstrated to the region and the international community the strong friendship and cooperation that exists between Laos and China, as well as fostering mutual understanding between the Lao and Chinese peoples, together with enhanced ties in cultural affairs, tourism, border trade and other forms of cooperation.
Prof. Dr Kikeo thanked the Party, government and people of China for their continuing support to the Lao government in contributing to the development of infrastructure and human resources, including support for Laos’ hosting of ASEAN meetings this year.
In return, the Chinese Vice Premier wished Prof. Dr Kikeo and his delegation every success in their participation in the 21st China-ASEAN EXPO and throughout their visit to China.
Prof. Dr Kikeo led his delegation on a tour of villages that have been freed from poverty through the development of tourism, and on visits to the Guangxi radio and television station and the Lao Consul-General in Nanning.


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 (Latest Update September 26, 2024)

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