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Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone (left) meets the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr Antonio Guterres, while attending the General Debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly in New York.

PM attends 79th United Nations General Assembly in New York

The Prime Minister of Laos, Mr Sonexay Siphandone, is leading a delegation to attend the general debate of the 79th United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York, USA.
The participation of the Lao delegation at the UN meeting from September 26 produced several positive and fruitful outcomes following a number of meetings and bilateral talks with foreign leaders.
While attending the meeting at the UN headquarters in New York, the Prime Minister met several heads of state from different countries. In particular, he met the Secretary-General of the UN, Mr Antonio Guterres.
Prime Minister Sonexay expressed his appreciation for the cooperative relationship between Laos and the UN, especially assistance in tackling the problem of unexploded ordnance (UXO), for which the two sides have had a strategic cooperation plan since 2003.
On the same occasion, the Prime Minister and the UN Secretary-General discussed Laos’ ASEAN chairmanship, the situation in Myanmar in view of Laos holding chairmanship of ASEAN for 2024, and the natural disasters currently affecting the country.
Regarding these issues, Mr Guterres pledged to continue to support and assist Laos in clearing unexploded ordnance. He expressed his appreciation for the ASEAN chairmanship, including Laos’ efforts to graduate from its status as a least developed country (LDC).
Mr Guterres reiterated that the UN will continue to increase aid and raise funds to help developing countries that do not have sea borders to implement sustainable development goals (SDGs) as expected, and also increase aid for connectivity and continue to develop cooperation between Laos and the UN.
The Prime Minister also had a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Nepal, Mr K. P. Sharma Oli. Mr Sonexay expressed appreciation for the long-standing friendship between the two countries since the establishment of diplomatic relations on May 20, 1970, and their continuous grgrowt
The two leaders discussed their mutual support in various international conferences.
Mr Sonexay discussed ways to further expand cooperation in future, especially related to investments, trade, tourism promotion, and the development of other potential areas in both countries.
The premier offered to exchange lessons and information between the two countries in preparation for graduating from the status of an LDC in 2026.
On the same day, the Prime Minister met the President of the International Football Association (FIFA), Mr Gianni Infantino, to discuss cooperation between the government of Laos, especially the Lao National Football Federation, and FIFA, as well as cooperation at the ASEAN regional level.
Mr Infantino took this opportunity to affirm FIFA’s commitment to continue working hand in hand with Laos, particularly in supporting and developing the necessary infrastructure in the country.
In addition to a training centre project, FIFA will promote the use of football in schools as a tool to create values and respect for proper rules, so that children may grow up and contribute to the sport in future.
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Saleumxay Kommasith, gave an interview to the China Global Television Network (CGTN) on September 26 regarding Laos’ socio-economic development plan, the promotion of peace and cooperation in Southeast Asia, the Laos-China Railway project, and the expansion of cooperation with China.
At the same time, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Mrs Bounkham Vorachit, attended the Roadmap to Mission 1.5 meeting. She informed the meeting about the organisation of international conventions and agreements, including the implementation of national plans to achieve Plan 1.5, especially the contribution and signing of various ASEAN documents during the Lao PDR’s chairmanship of the bloc in 2024 and the implementation of plans under the Paris Agreement.
In addition, the Deputy Minister of Health, Dr Phayvanh Keopaseuth, attended a high-level meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), which was held under the theme of “Investing in the Present and Securing Our Future Together: Accelerating multi-sectoral global, regional and national actions to address antimicrobial resistance.”
On the same day, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Thongphane Savanphet, attended the annual ministerial meeting of the LDCs and the meeting of foreign ministers on the cooperation framework of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), and the 23rd Annual Ministerial Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs).
He also held a bilateral meeting with the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel J. Kritenbrink, to discuss several topics, including the promotion of the Mekong-US Partnership.
Mr Kritenbrink expressed his appreciation for Laos’ performance as ASEAN chair this year, and reaffirmed the commitment of the US to enhance the comprehensive partnership between the two countries.


By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update September 30, 2024)

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