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Tempting programme of events prepared for Visit Laos Year 

Tourists planning a trip during Visit​ Laos​ Year​ 2024​ will have a raft of events to choose from, with 79 activities and events forming the backbone of the programme.
The government has selected 14 national level events and 65 taking place in the provinces which will be advertised to visitors.
They include the Hmong New Year festival which is celebrated in Vientiane province and the Phabath Phonsan festival in Borikhamxay​ province, both taking place in January. The festival in Borikhamxay centres on an old stupa and a footprint purportedly of Buddha that can be seen in Thaphabath district.​

People send lighted lanterns aloft during the Vat Phou festival in Champassak province. (File photo Champassak provincial official)

In February, the Kapok Flower festival in Bokeo province will enchant visitors with the beauty of the kapok trees which come into flower at this time of the year.
The Elephant festival in Xayaboury​ province, the Sikhottabong​ festival in Khammuan​ province and the Vat Phou Temple festival in Champassak province also take place in February and are well worth attending, even though they are some distance apart.
Visitors to the Elephant festival are in for a treat when these majestic animals gather in one place and are royally feted, while the Vat Phou Temple festival will feature colourful cultural shows amid atmospheric surroundings.
The Lao New Year festival in Luang Prabang ​province in April is a riot of fun and colour and includes the Miss Lao New Year procession.
Visitors can also enjoy a Naga lantern parade and watch traditional dances, as well as pour water over everyone in sight.
In October, the End of Buddhist Lent is spectacularly celebrated with the lighting of candles in Luang Prabang​ province.
The Kong Khao Noy festival in Xieng​ Khuang​ province, the That Luang festival in Vientiane, a festival to pay homage to Buddhist scriptures (Hor Tay Pi Dok)​ in Saravan province, and the That Jieng Teuang festival in Luang ​Namtha​ province all take place in November.
The dok khai pa (peach blossom) and sakura festival takes place in December, when these trees flower magnificently in the cooler climes of Huaphan​ province. The That Inhang festival in Savannakhet​ province also takes place this month.
Adventurous visitors will be drawn to Khammuan province to explore some of its many limestone caves and hire a motorbike to ride the fabled “loop” along scenic and very winding roads.
The Bolaven coffee and tea festival in Champassak can be visited in February and further north the rice festival in Xayaboury in January provides an intriguing glimpse into the local lifestyle.
January also sees an ethnic festival and street market in Bokeo province and an ethnic festival in Oudomxay province.
Visit Laos Year 2024 officially kicked off last weekend at the That Luang esplanade in Vientiane, in a ceremony attended by a large number of dignitaries.
This is the fourth time since 1999 that Laos has named a year Visit Laos Year. This year’s programme takes the theme “A Paradise of Culture, Nature and History” with the logo of an elephant holding a khaen as a symbol of good luck and prosperity.
The government hopes to attract at least 2.7 million foreign tourists next year, generating revenue of about US$401 million, while in 2025 tourist arrivals are forecast to reach 2.9 million and generate income of US$434 million.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update November 29, 2023)

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