Lao and Korean health officials pose for a photo at the Ministry of Health in Vientiane after discussing the progress of the LUPIC Project. |
Inje University gives boost to nursing education in Laos
Fifty health officials and health care development partner organisations in Laos updated and discussed Laos’ nursing education upgrade project, titled “Enhancement of Nurses’ Competencies through Remodeling of Nursing Curriculum and Improvement of Healthcare Environment in Lao PDR”.
A midterm conference on the project was held recently in Vientiane by a leading Korean university, Inje University, and organised by Leading University Project for International Cooperation (LUPIC).
Those attending the conference came from various organisations such as the Faculty of Nursing Sciences of the University of Health Sciences; the Lao Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Health; the Healthcare Professional Council; central hospitals; and the Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH).
Recently, the President of Inje University, Mr Minhyon Jeon, made a personal visit to oversee the project’s progress and its significant outcomes.
The main outcomes highlighted include the creation of a nursing curriculum evaluation framework, training in teaching-learning methods and video production, development of core nursing skills’ manuals and practice videos, renovation of a nursing skills lab, and establishment of a multimedia room.
Inje University was selected in 2019 for the expansion of the LUPIC project supported by the National Research Foundation and the Korean Ministry of Education.
Health officials join development partners after a conference titled “Enhancement of Nurses’ Competencies through Remodeling of Nursing Curriculum and Improvement of Healthcare Environment in Laos”, which took place in Vientiane last week.
LUPIC aims to improve nursing professionalism through reforms in the nursing education system and faculty competency at the Faculty of Nursing Sciences, University of Health Sciences.
This project, running from 2020 to 2027, focuses on curriculum remodeling for quality improvement in nursing education at the partner university in Laos, empowerment of nursing faculty, and upgrading educational facilities and environments.
During his visit to the project site, Mr Jeon said “The project is significant for strengthening educational cooperation in the healthcare field and improving healthcare levels in the region,” pledging “continuous support and assistance in the future.”
LUPIC Manager and Nursing Professor of Inje University, Prof. Jina Oh, also expressed hope for the Faculty of Nursing Sciences to become a leading institution in nursing education, not only in Laos but also in Asean, saying, “Let’s continue to grow together with Inje University as partners in nursing education.”
She added, “We will work harder for more effective project implementation based on the diverse opinions collected at the midterm conference.”
A commitment was made for ongoing collaboration and networking with KOFIH, in support of the project’s successful implementation.
Following the conference, President Jeon and his team visited the Faculty of Nursing Sciences to inspect the improved educational facilities, including the nursing skills lab and multimedia room.
They also visited to the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Laos and the Lao Ministry of Health to discuss plans for establishing a Global On-site Campus and to agree on enhancing direct communication and continuous cooperation with stakeholders from both countries, including the signing of future memorandums of understanding. In addition, Inje University’s LUPIC team hosted a capacity-building workshop on “Continuous Quality Improvement in Nursing Education and Teaching Effectiveness Evaluation” for approximately 30 nursing faculty members in Vientiane, from February 5-6.
This 6th workshop featured lectures on teaching effectiveness by Prof. Jina Oh and Prof. Seunggyung Jang, aimed at improving teaching-learning capabilities through discussions on various nursing education topics and sharing of knowledge.
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(Latest Update February 8, 2024)