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Mr Saman Aneka (second left) hands over the payment to Mr Bounchom Ubonpaseuth (third right).

LXML hands over more than US$5m in royalties for 2023 Q4 to Savannakhet

Lane Xang Minerals Limited Company (LXML) demonstrated its commitment to corporate responsibility by presenting the royalty fee for the 4th quarter of 2023, amounting to more than US$5.67 million, to Savannakhet province.

Mr Bounchom Ubonpaseuth (third left) presents a Certificate of Appreciation for Best Royalty Payer to Lane Xang Minerals Limited Company, received by Mr Saman Aneka (third right).

The handover took place on March 7 at the provincial Administration Office. In attendance were the Governor of Savannakhet province, Mr Bounchom Ubonpaseuth, and other relevant officials.
The Managing Director of LXML, Mr Saman Aneka, presented the payment to the Governor and expressed gratitude to the local leadership and community for their ongoing support of the Sepon gold and copper mine project.
He also conveyed appreciation from LXML’s management for the continuous backing provided by Governor Bounchom and the local administration.
During the ceremony, Mr Saman said that LXML had received a formal notice from the central government in mid-2023 requiring the transfer of the royalty payment to Savannakhet province.
This payment marked the second handover, bringing the total value to US$11.6 million.
Mr Saman affirmed LXML’s commitment to fulfilling its royalty obligations to the province in the future and expressed pride in collaborative efforts with district authorities to support community engagement and facilitate the new gold project within the company’s MEPA concession area.
In response, Governor Bounchom extended his gratitude to the company’s leadership and presented a Certificate of Appreciation for Best Royalty Payer to Lane Xang Minerals Limited Company.
He acknowledged the longstanding support received from LXML and highlighted the provincial administration’s continuous backing of the Sepon mine project, dating back to his tenure as Minister of Finance.
The handover of the royalty payment underscores LXML’s unwavering commitment to contributing to the sustainable development of Savannakhet province and fostering a positive partnership with the local community and government authorities.

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 (Latest Update March 13, 2024)

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