4 March, 2024

- PM calls for effective management, investment in energy and mining 
Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone on Friday called for leading officials in the Ministry of Energy and Mines to ensure more effective management of investment projects in the energy and mining sectors. ...More>>>

- Thanaleng Dry Port links S.E. Asia to the world, its developer tells Timor-Leste President
The Thanaleng Dry Port and its associated Vientiane Logistics Park have significantly bolstered connectivity between Southeast Asia and global markets, the facility’s developer has told the President of Timor-Leste, Dr Jose Ramos-Horta. ...More>>>

- S. Korean provides equipment worth US$1 million for UXO clearance
The Government of the Republic of Korea last week donated equipment worth over US$1 million for use by 13 newly established humanitarian demining teams under the supervision of the Lao People’s Army (Unit 58). ...More>>>

- The International School of Laos partners with Vientiane’s Department of Industry and Commerce in English training as Laos assumes the chair of ASEAN this year
The Department of Industry and Commerce, Vientiane, has reached out to the International School of Laos, seeking collaboration to provide English training for its staff during Laos’ chairmanship of ASEAN this year. ...More>>>

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- Strides made in Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Triangle Area development

Important milestones in cooperation between the participating nations were reached at the 13th meeting of the Joint Coordination Committee on the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (JCC CLV DTA), held in Attapeu province last Friday. ..More>>>

- Ministry warns public about companies illegally sending workers abroad
The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare has warned the public about some companies illegally sending workers abroad to countries where they may be taken advantage of by brokers. . ...More>>>

- Schoolchildren get ready for national Best Student tests
Provincial education departments across the country are in the process of selecting schoolchildren to represent them in national Best Student exams, with both primary and secondary school students taking part. ...More>>>

- Timor-Leste aiming for full ASEAN membership in 2025, but postponement okay, its president says 
The President of Timor-Leste, Dr Jose Ramos-Horta, has said his country has set a target to become a full member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) next year, but that postponement is acceptable if membership requirements cannot be fulfilled within that timeframe. ...More>>>

- Laos requests China’s support for expressway construction, farming
​The government has asked China to encourage more Chinese companies, especially those in Yunnan province which shares a border with Laos, to invest more in the development of Laos....More>>>

- Vehicle number plate change underway in capita 
Vehicle number plates will be changed to indicate the designation Vientiane Capital instead of Vientiane Municipality, with effect from March 1, 2024. ...More>>>

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Vientiane SEZ attracts investment of US$6 billion, new companies registered
A total of 229 companies from Laos and other countries have registered to invest in special   ..More>>>

Lao theatre group join puppetry workshop in Singapore
The Khaoneiw Theatre Group is currently joining a workshop at the .. More >>>

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Cambodia’s pioneering Phnom Penh Post newspaper will stop print publication
PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA (AP) -- The Phnom Penh Post, a newspaper founded in 1992 as Cambodia sought to re-establish stability and ....More >>>

What's on in Laos

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What should be done to conserve our animal populations?
Wildlife populations across Laos are being decimated by hunting and the proliferating illegal trade in certain species. ...More >>>

Vientiane half marathon attracts more than 4,000 runners to date
More than 4,000 runners from Laos and other countries will compete in ...More >>>

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Better future in store for Laos’ elephants
Laos is still referred to as the country of a million elephants, but today there are only about 800 left in the country,....More >>>

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