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The Vientiane Times Interview with Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships

1. What is your role as European Commissioner for the International Partnerships?
As the European Commissioner for International Partnerships, I oversee cooperation with 126 countries or regions in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. By building inclusive and equitable partnerships, we aim to reduce global poverty and support sustainable development. Only together can we address shared global challenges, and foster peace and prosperity. Big element in my work is our Global Gateway investment strategy.

Mrs Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, at the 24th EU-ASEAN Ministerial Forum, on 2nd February 2024, in Brussels, Belgium.

2. What are the main priorities of EU cooperation with partner countries in the world?
The Global Gateway investment strategy is the European Union’s positive offer to our partner countries to build sustainable connections and to enhance prosperity globally, contributing directly to the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Our aim is to generate investments of up to €300 billion in both hard and soft infrastructure by to boosting smart, clean, and secure connections across digital, energy, and transport sectors. And in soft infrastructure, we are investing in health, education, and research systems worldwide.
The roll-out of Global Gateway is a “Team Europe” effort, comprising of the EU, its Member States, financial and development banks, and importantly, the private sector. Our cooperation with the private sector is of particular significance, as it allows us to maximise investments and create mutually beneficial solutions for all involved stakeholders. Key is to create local added value for the benefit of the people in our partner countries.
The focus of Global Gateway for the upcoming year is the rollout of flagship projects in partner regions. Through close collaboration with partners like civil society, cities, and regions, we aim to localize Global Gateway efforts, leveraging local expertise and resources. I am looking forward to this team work to leverage investments for a transformational impact, creating local jobs and supporting sustainable economic growth, also in the ASEAN region.
3. Could you provide a bit more about the EU Global Gateway strategy in the region?
Overall, together with our Team Europe partners, we will leverage investments up to €10 billion until 2027 for cooperation with our ASEAN partners through Global Gateway –as announced at the EU-ASEAN Commemorative Summit in December 2022. We are focusing on two major initiatives.
First, The Green Team Europe Initiative strengthens the EU’s partnership with ASEAN in areas including climate action, environmental and biodiversity protection, clean energy transition, disaster resilience, prevention of illegal logging, wildlife trafficking and tackling air pollution.
Second, the Sustainable Connectivity Team Europe Initiative seeks to improve sustainable connectivity between the EU and ASEAN and within ASEAN, covering a variety of sectors spanning from trade, transport, energy, digital and people-to-to people connectivity and higher education.
These initiatives are at the centre of the EU-ASEAN strategic partnership, leading to more prosperous, open and inclusive societies. I am glad we can further advance our common goals during my visit to Lao PDR as ASEAN Chair this year.
4.    During your trip to Southeast Asia, scheduled for 13-14 March, what are the objectives of your visit?
I am thrilled to have this opportunity during my mandate to visit Laos, in my first trip to South East Asia. I am really looking forward to fruitful engagements and progress in our important partnership. It will thus be an honour to meet HE Sonexay Siphandone in this regard.
One of my main objectives is obviously to exchange with Government, development partners, business representatives, young people and other actors on the ground, to appreciate better the local culture, the socio-economic development of this country, and the depth of our partnership with Laos. 
I am particularly keen to see how our Global Gateway strategy has been translated in tangible actions to strengthen our connection with Laos and its people. In this regard, I am coming here to learn more about several new programmes we have developed in line with Global Gateway, for example: the development of value chains of coffee, tea and forest products which Laos trades with the EU; the rehabilitation of a national road 2 in the North which links Laos to Thailand and Vietnam; the strengthening of young people’s education and skills; and the financing of many youth actions to protect the environment and fight climate change.
In the past, the EU has already collaborated with the Lao Government and other partners to finance many projects in education, nutrition, and good governance. During this trip, I am also eager to hear from beneficiaries about the impact of these programmes on the life of Lao people. 
Given Lao PDR’s ASEAN chairmanship, I will also take the opportunity of this visit to discuss with Deputy Prime Minister Saleumxay Kommasith the implementation of the EU-ASEAN strategic partnership priorities. Finally, I appreciate, and I am thrilled to visit the Pha That Luang Temple to learn from the great history and culture of your beautiful country.
5. Given that, Laos holds the ASEAN Chairmanship this year, what are the priorities of the EU-ASEAN strategic partnership you are working on?
First, let me underline, that EU-ASEAN strategic partnership is of key importance to the EU. We welcome the theme for Lao PDR’s ASEAN Chair “ASEAN: Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience”. It is very much in line with key priorities in the EU’s regional cooperation with ASEAN on Sustainable Connectivity, Green and Inclusive Sustainable Development and with the overall objective of elevating the Strategic Partnership between the EU and ASEAN.
The EU stands ready to help the ASEAN Chair strengthening the unity and integration of South-East Asia, firmly anchored in ASEAN centrality, in order to advance regional peace, stability, and development.
Particularly, increased cooperation and investment in connectivity – both “soft” (regulatory) and “hard” infrastructure – can strengthen economic resilience and provide mutual benefits. In this regard, I wish to highlight EU support to the progress on the “Rehabilitation of the National Road 2”, Global Gateway Flagship for 2023 and one of the main transport corridors in the North of the country, linking onwards to Vietnam and Thailand, in line with the ASEAN Master Plan on Connectivity strategy on completing the ASEAN highway network. 
6. In anticipation of your upcoming visit, do you have any remark or thought to share?
I am honoured and excited to visit Laos. You are an important partner for the EU. I am aware that Laos and its people are going through socio-economic hardship at the moment. Our cooperation is even more precious and valued in these hard times. I am confident that we can deepen our partnership with Laos, in line with EU Global Gateway and Laos’ 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan and build a more interconnected and prosperous world for future generations. The EU is presenting a quality, mutually respectful, and trustworthy cooperation that unites us in safeguarding and providing for the people and the environment. You can count on us.


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