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Laos calls for collective action, resource mobilisation to accelerate SDGs

Deputy Prime Minister Saleumxay Kommasith has called on the world community to scale up collective efforts, reform international financial architecture and mobilise more resources to accelerate the implementation of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Despite approaching the midpoint for implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, many countries are still lagging behind, the DPM told the General Debate of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the US, last week.

Mr Saleumxay Kommasith.

“Therefore, we must further strengthen and scale up our collective efforts, which include harnessing scientific and technological achievements to accelerate sustainable development, and unleash new impetus for innovation-driven growth,” said Mr Saleumxay, who is also Minister of Foreign Affairs.
He recalled that at the Group of 77+China Summit held in Havana, Cuba, recently, heads of state and government of developing countries said that science, technology and innovation, including information and communication technologies, have become fundamental for addressing global challenges and are one of the driving mechanisms of the transformation to accelerate progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda.
“In this context, a global governance system based on science, technology and innovation is essential to identify problems and find effective solutions for sustainable economic development, environmental conservation, poverty reduction and addressing inequality,” he told the assembled leaders at the UN Headquarter.
Likewise, he added, the UN development system, development partners and international financial institutions must act together in a more coordinated manner to scale up the implementation of the SDGs.
The UN development system at all levels must play an essential role in mobilising resources and coordination, including supporting countries in special situations, such as least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states, to address their specific challenges.
The head of the Lao delegation said it is evident that one of the key obstacles to implementing the SDGs has always been insufficient financing.
He cited the call by the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who has said that “the Global Financial System is biased, morally bankrupt and skewed to benefit wealthy countries”.
Mr Saleumxay said the UN chief’s statement reflected “a clear signal that the reform of the international financial architecture is an urgent and long-overdue task, and this cannot be done without strengthening the participation of developing countries in international economic decision- making, norm-setting and global economic governance, in order to adapt to the changing global economic landscape”.
In addition to the 17 global SDGs, Laos added its SDG18, which aims to “achieve lives safe from unexploded ordnance (UXO)”, the minister told the meeting.
Although most of its indicators have advanced to different degrees, UXO remains a threat to the national development of Laos and poses an obstacle to other SDGs.
“We therefore take this opportunity to call for continued support and assistance from the international community to address this prolonged and challenging task,” he said.
The integration of the remainder of the SDGs into Lao national strategies signifies the country’s unwavering dedication, the minister said. Despite its great efforts, the progress Laos made remains less than desirable. However, the Lao government has taken various measures, including development of a financing strategy as part of the Integrated National Financing Framework with a view to building a more resilient national financing architecture and opening a window of opportunity to meet financing needs.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update September 27, 2023)



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