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Lao health officials and development partners convene to discuss rehabilitation services.

Health officials, development partners debate advances in rehabilitation services

Rehabilitation services in Laos have improved and expanded at district and provincial hospitals throughout the country, thanks to efforts by authorities in charge with support from development partners.
Officials from the Department of Healthcare and Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Health, and representatives of USAID Okard held a reflection meeting in Vientiane on September 29 to review the progress made in the provision of rehabilitation services.
Attended by over 50 people, the meeting tracked the progress and achievements of rehabilitation activities by all Ministry of Health stakeholders as part of the National Rehabilitation Strategy for 2018-2025.
The meeting presented the results of a rehabilitation survey and guidance on effective dissemination strategies. Rehabilitation awareness raising materials were also circulated.
Rehabilitation stakeholders also shared information on rehabilitation governance and relevant Ministry of Health policies, provision of rehabilitation services at specialised rehabilitation centres, and increasing the availability of assistive products.
Rehabilitation workforce development through pre-service and in-service training, and health system strengthening approaches around rehabilitation were also discussed.
Looking forward, the Department of Healthcare and Rehabilitation shared guidance for all rehabilitation stakeholders to move forward in the final two years of the National Rehabilitation Strategy in 2024 and 2025, highlighting important activities to strengthen the health system with respect to rehabilitation and to support implementation of the National Rehabilitation Strategy.
The meeting was seen as an essential step towards improving the lives of people needing rehabilitation services and assistive products in Laos, and highlighted the commitment of various organisations to work together to provide quality rehabilitation services for all Lao people living with chronic or acute health conditions.
Attendees included the Acting Country Representative of USAID Laos, Dr Kevin Smith; Director General of the Department of Healthcare and Rehabilitation, Dr Khamsay Detleuxay; USAID Okard Chief of Party Bernard Franck; Ministry of Health stakeholders and representatives from the Centre of Medical Rehabilitation, the University of Health Sciences’ Faculty of Medical Technology; central, provincial and district hospital rehabilitation departments and unit staff, development partners, and other organisations.

By Times Reporters
 (Latest Update October 2, 2023)


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