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Human Rights Day 2023

Reaffirming the centrality of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on its 75th anniversary
75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
This year on 10 December 2023, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Declaration safeguards a comprehensive set of indivisible, inalienable, and universal human rights, encompassing civil and political rights such as the right to life, freedom of religion, expression, and peaceful assembly, as well as economic, social, and cultural rights, including the rights to education, work, social security, and participation in cultural, artistic, and scientific life.
We also celebrate the culmination of the year-long campaign “UDHR 75: Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All”, that has reaffirmed the centrality of the Declaration in today’s world and upheld its commitment to freedom, equality, and justice for all members of the human family. Over the course of the year, nations, communities, and individuals worldwide have engaged in extensive discussions and consultations on human rights, contributing to this shared commitment.
The Lao government has ratified seven out of the nine international human rights treaties. The Government has pledged to make progress towards ratifying the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED) and the International Convention for the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families (ICRMW). The United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU) are committed to supporting the Government of Laos in its endeavours to achieve full ratification of the remaining international treaties and incorporate human rights standards into domestic legislation.
United Nations and the European Union’s Support to Human Rights Protection and Promotion in Laos
In support of Laos ’s international treaty obligations, the United Nations in the Lao PDR is supporting the implementation of the Universal Periodic Review National Plan of Action ahead of the Lao PDR’s review in the 4th cycle of the UPR in 2025, and Treaty Bodies’ recommendations including, most recently, on the initial State report to the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).
The UN in Laos also supported the Lao government in submitting its report to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and submitted two reports to the Committee on the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) and the CEDAW. At the same time, the UN in Laos has worked closely with civil society to facilitate their engagement with UN Human Rights Mechanisms, including through their submissions to the CRPD, CEDAW, and CESCR. These submissions strengthen the human rights-based approach to policy and programming in the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP), contributing to the continued progress on human rights in the country overall.
Recent advocacy events galvanised youth and communities from all over the country, raising awareness on child rights and women’s rights. Upcoming events will also celebrate the rights of persons with disabilities, and discuss the rights of migrants. Several recent UN reports discuss transboundary issues such as human trafficking and online scams. A key focus of the UN’s work in human rights in 2023 has been the right to a healthy environment and the correlation between human rights and the environment, which is also a topic for discussion at the UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP28) currently ongoing in Dubai. At a recent high-level event in Vientiane jointly supported by the UN and EU, students from the National University of Laos shared their views on the importance of human rights education, which has recently been incorporated into one curriculum.
The EU brings its expertise and support to bolster the UN’s endeavors. The EU is actively engaged in promoting and advancing human rights in the Lao PDR. The EU’s commitment to human rights is reflected in its emphasis on inclusive national development, gender equality, and the promotion of civil society.
The EU-supported initiatives include, among others, efforts to increase citizen engagement, human rights and the rule of law, reduce gender-based violence, strengthen human rights accountability among ethnic minority communities, ensure freedom of expression through media and civil society engagement, enhance social protection and labour rights in key sectors, and promote inclusive education for marginalised children.
Through diplomatic dialogue, including annual Human Rights Dialogue with the Lao government and development assistance, the EU strives to create an enabling environment for the realisation of human rights. The current EU cooperation priorities for 2021-2027 include green and inclusive economy, human capital, and good governance. Under its good governance priority, the EU aims to contribute to good governance, improved transparency, the promotion of rule of law and human rights, including labour rights in Laos.
Collaboration with local partners and government institutions is at the core of these initiatives, aiming to build a society where the rights of every individual are respected and protected. In the Lao PDR, the joint efforts of the UN and the EU are exemplified through collaborative initiatives that address critical issues such as education, healthcare, and gender equality. By working hand in hand with the government and civil society, these initiatives contribute to building a foundation for sustainable development firmly rooted in the principles of the UDHR.
On this Human Rights Day, as we celebrate the progress made and acknowledge the challenges still ahead, we reiterate our collective commitment to upholding human rights in the Lao PDR and around the world. The journey towards a more just and equitable society requires the combined efforts of the international community, and the partnership between the UN and the EU in Laos stands as a model of effective collaboration in advancing human rights. As we reflect on the principles enshrined in the UDHR, let us rededicate ourselves to the pursuit of a world where every individual can live with dignity, free from discrimination and fear. In Laos and beyond, the UN and the EU stand united in the belief that promoting and protecting human rights is not only a shared responsibility, but also the cornerstone of a just and sustainable future for all. 
--The article is co-authored by Ms Ina Marčiulionytė, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Union to Laos and Mr Bakhodir Burkhanov, UN Resident Coordinator to Laos

 (Latest Update December 12, 2023)

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