25 July, 2024

- Top Lao leader recounts close comradeship with late Party General Secretary
VIENTIANE (Vietnam News/ANN) -- Secretary General of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) and President of Laos Thongloun Sisoulith has recounted the close comradeship with Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trọng and shared what he learned from the late Vietnamese leader........More>>>

- ASEAN FMs review SEA nuclear weapons free zone, other work plans
Foreign ministers from the 10 ASEAN member countries have reviewed the work carried out under several important frameworks and future blueprints for the bloc’s intergovernmental commission and other fundamental initiatives........More>>>

- Vientiane Logistics Park showcases Laos’ land link opportunities at int’l expo
Laos’ major logistics service operator, Vientiane Logistics Park, is showcasing at an international expo the opportunities Laos is offering as the landlocked country rapidly becomes an integral land link in the global and regional supply chain......More>>>

- Japan supports ASEAN’s efforts to enhance connectivity and resilience
I would like to congratulate the Lao PDR for hosting the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and related meetings. After my visit last October, I am very pleased to pay another official visit to this beautiful country on this occasion.....More>>>

- New project launched to study Lao-Thai water storage management
Sakon Nakhon, Thailand: A new project, designed to study inclusive water storage management in Laos and Thailand, has been launched...More>>>

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- 43 UXO casualties reported during first half of 2024

Lao UXO clearance operators and Unit 58 (the humanitarian demining team of the Lao People’s Army) surveyed 2,069 hectares of land, identified 801 hectares as hazardous, and cleared 386 hectares of unexploded ordnance in eight provinces over the first six months of the year.......More>>>

- China, Laos to open doors for Lao businesses to access mainland market
Lao government officials will meet local chambers of commerce to explore business opportunities, leveraging Hong Kong’s superconnector role linking China and the world....​​..More>>>

- Laos seeking to boost agricultural exports through Laos-China Railway
Laos is seeking to promote sustainable agricultural production and increase the export of agricultural produce to China through the Laos-China Railway, mark a significant step in efforts to boost agricultural exports........More>>>

- Laos and China started develop careers for women
The Lao Women’s Training Center will collaborate with China’s Dongguan Technical College to develop careers for Lao women.
A memorandum of understanding (MOU) for developing careers for women was signed when Ms Sithamala Lanavanh, Head of the Advertising and Culture Department of the Lao Women’s Training Centre of the Lao Women’s Union, visited  Dongguan Technical College in Guangdong province of China during June 18-21......More>>>

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SettleMint, GDMS to help Laos develop a blockchain technology system
The Department of Digital Technology of the Ministry of Technology and Communications will work with SettleMint and GDMS to conduct a feasibility study for developing a blockchain technology... More >>>

Lao Sang Xat Magazine to promote Laos-China cooperation
The Lao Front for National Development (LFND) and Garuda Media Co Ltd of China have developed the Special Lao Sang Xat Magazine, the first issue of which will be published next month. .... More >>>

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Phu Bia Mining’s strategic approach to sustainable growth
Phu Bia Mining (PBM) is a familiar name in Laos, known for its operational excellence, environmental responsibility, ...More>>>

Lavrov to discuss Putin’s Eurasian security plan in Laos
MOSCOW (TASS) --  While attending events within the framework of the Association of the Southeast Asian Nations ,.....More >>>

What's on in Laos

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What are the main challenges facing new graduates and how can these problems be resolved?
Lao universities turn out thousands of graduates every year but most are poorly informed about job opportunities, while their skill sets often don’t meet the needs of today’s job market and they are unable to find work. ........More >>>

Lao kick-boxer to face Thai opponent in Bangkok
Talented Lao kick-boxer Phetnamkhong Mongkolphet, weighing 55.33kg, will pit his strength against Thailand’s Lookkwan Sujibamikiew in the ONE Friday Fights at the Lumpinee Boxing Stadium in Bangkok at 19:30pm on Friday. .....More >>>

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Lao tourism eyes bright future under new leadership
The Lao tourism environment looks set to get a boost under the leadership ...More >>>

Counter: 11 January 2024
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